Silky Ants Eat Aphids To Treat Their Fungal Infections

Silky Ants Eat Aphids To Treat Their Fungal Infections

Many researchers and entomologists studied the mutualistic behavior of ants and aphids and explored their beneficial association. Ants need food from these insects and eat honeydew to meet their nutritional requirement, while aphids have soft bodies and ants protect them from predators. On 15 November 2023, Jason Rissanen and a few other researchers from the … Read more

Invasive Fire Ants Reduce Butterfly Abundance in Texas

Invasive Fire Ants Reduce Butterfly Abundance in Texas

Fire ants have an omnivorous diet and feed on plant-based food and a variety of insects in their habitat, as they possess extraordinary hunting skills to capture their prey. The red imported fire ants entered Texas and other southeastern states in the 1930s. Emily Geest studied the impact of invasive red imported fire ants on … Read more

Red Imported Fire Ant Nests Found in NSW For First Time

Red Imported Fire Ant Nests Found in NSW For First Time

Red imported fire ants are small insects, typically measuring between 2 to 6 millimeters in length. These ants possess a reddish-brown color, with a darker abdomen that appears almost black or brown. They are invasive species and can cause threats to the environment. Red Imported Fire Ant Nests are Found in NSW for the first … Read more

Studying Collective Decision Making in Ants

Studying Collective Decision Making in Ants

Ants live in groups or colonies and make collective decisions, as they are social insects. It is a survival strategy because they cannot survive in solitary conditions and depend on each other. Ants exhibit collective decision making during foraging, nest construction, raft building, bridge formation, food transportation, and nest relocation. Moreover, the sewing of leaves … Read more

Yellow Crazy Ants are Destroying Properties in Townsville

Yellow Crazy Ants are Destroying Properties in Townsville

Yellow crazy ants, scientifically known as Anoplolepis gracilipes, were discovered in Australia on Christmas Island before 1934. Since then, they have spread to various locations, including North East Arnhem Land, Brisbane, and Townsville. These ants are typically measuring around 2 to 3 millimeters in length, and have a pale yellow to yellow-brown color. Yellow crazy … Read more