Tiny Invasive Ants Stopping Lions from Killing Zebras in Kenya

Tiny Invasive Ants Stopping Lions from Killing Zebras in Kenya

Ants are usually underrated due to their tiny size, but they can cause significant changes in the ecosystem, as their population is much more than humans and other animals on this planet. New research conducted by Kenyan researchers based on the impact of invasive ant species in Kenya helped determine their role in shaping the … Read more

Anti-Insulin Protein Helps Queen Ants Live Longer

Anti-Insulin Protein Helps Queen Ants Live Longer

Many people know that queens usually live for many years, while worker ants have shorter lifespans due to different genetic makeup and lifestyles. The secret behind the longevity of queen ants was unknown, but the researchers found the changes in the bodies of worker ants when they turned into pseudo-queens. On 1st September 2022, a … Read more

Ants Set Budgets When Facing an Uncertain Future

Ants Set Budgets When Facing an Uncertain Future

Ants are social insects that engage in group activities, but every caste in the colony performs a distinct task to ensure the colony’s survival. They exhibit a human-like trait and set a budget for the colony, which allows them to manage uncertainties by employing a few colony members to a specific task. On 10 July … Read more

Super Rare Ants Found in North Carolina Trees

Super Rare Ants Found in North Carolina Trees

North Carolina’s state is desirable for many insect species due to warm weather and ideal humidity levels. Almost 250 species of ants that inhabit the forests, trees, rainforests, and other humid regions are found in this state. On 16 November 2023, an article about the presence of super rare ants (Aphaenogaster mariae Forel) hiding in … Read more

Social Isolation Shortens The Lifespan Of Ants

Social Isolation Shortens The Lifespan Of Ants

Eusocial insects, like ants, live longer in groups because their colony serves as a single superorganism, making it difficult for an individual insect to live in isolation. Every colony member performs a distinct task and relies on the other fellow. Accordingly, these social insects suffer significantly in isolation and die earlier due to loneliness. On … Read more