Types of Ants in Alaska

Types of Ants in Alaska

A large number of ants are present in different regions of America, and the population density of these insects is higher than any other insects in Alaska. Types of ants in Alaska include velvet ants, western harvester ants, mound ants, carpenter ants, Alaskan fire ants, Formica ants, Turfgrass ants, Red pavement ants, Hercules ants, and … Read more

Types of Ants in California

Types of Ants in California

California provides suitable living conditions to a lot of pests, including ants, as its weather favors their growth, multiplication, and survival. Types of ants in California include Southern fire ants, harvester ants, thief ants, odorous house ants, carpenter ants, argentine ants, pyramid ants, pavement ants, pharaoh ants, red imported fire ants, little black ants, small … Read more

Types of Ants in Arkansas

Types of Ants in Arkansas

Almost 80 to 90 species of ants are widely present in the temperate rainforests, and diverse landscapes of Arkansas out of 12,000 species present all over the world, Types of ants in Arkansas include carpenter ants, red imported fire ants, false honey ants, ghost ants, odorous house ants, field ants, pharaoh ants, southern fire ants, … Read more

Types of Ants in Arizona

Types of Ants in Arizona

Almost 280 to 300 species of ants are native to Arizona and are abundant types among insects in this region due to the favorable climate and diverse geography. Types of ants in Arizona include carpenter ants, fire ants, pavement ants, acrobat ants, harvester ants, leafcutter ants, odorous house ants, crazy ants, pharaoh ants, winnow ants, … Read more

Types of Ants in Alabama

Types of Ants in Alabama

Around 150 to 170 species of ants exist in Alabama and reside within houses or outdoors, depending on their requirement. However, almost 55 to 58 species are native to this region. Types of ants in Alabama include arboreal ants, tawny crazy ants, black carpenter ants, pavement ants, odorous house ants, acrobat ants, pharaoh ants, argentine … Read more