You have probably seen eggs of ants in the garden or indoor areas that look like white banana-shaped things passing through developmental stages.
Where Do Ants Lay Eggs? Ants lay eggs in hidden places like under the concrete slabs of sidewalks, within leaf litter or trash, damp or rotting wood, floors and walls, and plant beds or lawns. They prefer to start colonies in places where they can get proper warmth and food in addition to safety.
Some people misunderstand that white things on plants are probably their eggs, but these insects do not lay them on the leaves or stem.
These white things can be immature aphids as they are smaller, have no prominent body color, and appear transparent.
Where do ants lay their eggs?
Their queen can lay eggs in spots where they feel comfortable and safe because of fear of losing babies due to external factors. It can stop ants from starting a colony.
Pavement slabs of sidewalks
Queens can reach inside the concrete slabs on driveways or sidewalks when they find a small hole to enter. They like to hide under the surface of slabs where predators cannot reach them.
Such areas provide warmth and moisture to the mother ant that can efficiently lay and propagate the population. The first brood will become larvae in a few weeks and become an adult.
You cannot find a queen out of her nest even when the first brood is at the developing stage. She sheds wings to get nutrition and feed the first generation until they become adult workers.
Moreover, one of my friends found white things under the concrete surface when he raised the slab from its position. These white things were recognized as eggs and pupae of these insects.
So, their colonies can thrive under the pavement slabs made of concrete as they like to remain in close contact with soil and moisture.
Leaf litter or trash
Ants get organic compounds from leaf litter and expand their colonies by living inside it. Queens can also reach leaf litter on the ground and hide inside it to lay eggs.
Leaves hold good moisture and are a rich source of phosphorous, nitrogen, potassium, and carbon. These nutrients are released into the soil slowly during decomposition.
Moreover, the aroma of decomposing leaves can attract her to raise the population in addition to a damp environment.
You can also see a large number of pupae in the trash bin if you do not empty them for many days. This is because they feel comfortable in a trash container containing food leftovers.
Additionally, the queen has to make little effort to feed newborns if she finds a bin filled with rotting fruits, bread pieces, or other food materials.
So, you have to keep the trash bins clean because empty and clean containers are of no interest to these creatures as they do not find anything to hide behind or eat.
Damp or rotting wood
Rotting wood can create problems for us as you have to replace the sofa or cupboard. However, it becomes attractive to ants that usually prefer to build tunnels and live inside them.
Their eggs can be present inside a rotting wooden log in the outdoor areas because a carpenter ant queen is supposed to lay them within the wood.
Moreover, these wood ants feel comfortable within a wooden structure, a sofa or bed frame, or a tree trunk in the garden. They can make complex channels or tunnels within the log.
I found dark brown colored tiny ants crawling out of the wooden log in my garden. However, when I tried to locate the trail’s origin, many soft-bodied white things were present deeper in compartments.
Damp woods can capture the queen’s attention when it lands after a nuptial flight or mating. She has to make less effort to burrow and make intricate channels to secure larvae from attack.
Floors and walls
You cannot even imagine the number of ants sharing your house, as they have a lot of hidden places to raise their population without even being noticed.
They can build nests in outdoor and indoor places according to the external weather and requirements, as every species is somehow different from others.
Moreover, they can easily reach under the hardwood floor or even concrete roads if they find any cracks to make their way inside.
These creatures can easily find the cracks if they have the desire to find a safe place. Queens begin to search for suitable entry points on the ground after landing.
These holes are probably not detected by human sight or remain ignored because you do not think tiny ants can get inside, but it happens.
Furthermore, they can reach behind the baseboard if they are not appropriately sealed, providing a chance for these insects to keep their eggs.
Plant beds and lawns
Most commonly, queens prefer to land in the garden and hide under the soil as it makes them feel protected from environmental conditions.
You can find these tiny creatures living in the plant beds deep in the soil. Moreover, you can dig the mounds deep to see their whitish eggs or pupae if you see a long trail of ants coming out of it.
The colonies begin to reside in the lawns or close to the plant roots as they can suck the juice from the plant by coming in direct contact with roots and stems.
Moreover, the plant beds remain moist and keep insects’ bodies wet to avoid the risk of dehydration and difficulties in survival.
How many eggs do ants lay each day?
Queen ant is the only colony member capable of laying eggs and ensuring the continuity of the population; that’s why these are considered royal members of the colony.
She gets extra care and food from nursing ants to grow well as she plays one of the crucial roles. Larvae and male members get importance after the queen because of their involvement in mating.
Moreover, she can produce almost 700 to 800 new eggs in a single day and fertilize them using stored sperm in a controlled manner.
She finds a suitable place to build a nest after landing on the ground. Some places are favorable for their survival, like hidden areas behind walls or plant beds.
What conditions are required by ants to lay eggs?
Queens choose a place to build a nest and lay eggs that fulfills their three basic requirements.
They land only on safe surfaces, providing no risk of death from the attack of other insects and arthropods.
Open areas are not safe for the queen ants to start a colony because many pests can harm their larvae. They prefer to hide until the first brood gets mature.
She waits for the first generation of workers to become adults as they can take care of the colony and ensure the protection of nest members.
Moreover, they can change their nest location and shift to another place if they do not find enough space to support a large colony.
Secondly, they look for food and moisture sources before deciding, as these are essential in addition to warmth.
Queens cannot produce eggs if the external conditions are not cold or unfavorable for them. Therefore, they need an ideal temperature of around 74 to 89 degrees Fahrenheit.
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