Will Ants Bite My Tortoise?

Will Ants Bite My Tortoise?

Ants are nuisance pests and cause problems for pets or people by entering indoor areas. They can also get inside tortoise cages in search of food or water, which causes harm to them. Will Ants Bite My Tortoise? Ants can bite tortoises with their sharp teeth after entering their enclosure for food or moisture. They … Read more

Are Yellow Meadow Ants Dangerous?

Are Yellow Meadow Ants Dangerous?

Many people want to know about the dangers or risks associated with ants. Commonly, yellow meadow ants are responsible for causing a nuisance inside the home, while a few species have painful stings that can lead to allergic reactions. Are Yellow Meadow Ants Dangerous? Yellow meadow ants are not dangerous because they are non-poisonous and … Read more

Do Phorid Flies Kill Fire Ants?

Do Phorid Flies Kill Fire Ants?

Phorid flies are commonly present in decaying organic matter and moist places to get food and breed. However, some of these reproductive female phorid flies get attracted to ants belonging to the Solenopsis group and kill them by leaving their tiny parasitic eggs on their bodies. Do Phorid Flies Kill Fire Ants? Phorid flies can … Read more

What is a Polydomous Ant Colony?

What is a Polydomous Ant Colony?

Ant colonies exhibit various behaviors to ensure survival and adopt different strategies to survive threatening and unfavorable environmental conditions. Polydomy in ants is a natural behavior among a few species when their colonies spread on a larger surface area. What is a Polydomous Ant Colony? Polydomous ant colony refers to a colony of ants making … Read more

Does Fumigation Kill Ants?

Does Fumigation Kill Ants?

Ants are responsible for causing significant damage to property as they hide in narrow spaces within walls and get inside the concrete material. Fumigation is an effective solution to deal with large-scale infestations of ants; otherwise, baits and natural remedies are suitable to deal with localized infestations. Does Fumigation Kill Ants? Fumigation kills ants because … Read more